IECEx Certification for Repair Facilities

Looking for IECEx Certification for Repair or Service Facilities support in Middle-East?

Our Locations: Doha – Qatar, Muscat – Oman, Dubai, Abu Dhabi – UAE, Riyadh, Dammam – Saudi Arabia

What are the IECEx Certified Service Facility Schemes?

IECEx 03 Certified Service Facility scheme assesses and certifies that organizations and workshops that provide Ex equipment selection, design, installation, inspection & maintenance, repair, overhaul and reclamation services to the Ex industry do so respecting the strict requirements of IEC International Standards IEC 60079-14, IEC 60079-17 and IEC 60079-19. This ensures that unique Ex safety features are not compromised during the selection, design, installation, inspection, maintenance, repair, overhaul or reclamation processes.

IECEx 03-4 Ex inspection and maintenance and IECEx 03-5 Repair, overhaul and reclamation of Ex equipment schemes conducts on-site audits prior to issuing the IECEx Certificate and ongoing periodic audits to ensure that processes continue to comply with requirements. The outcomes of these audits are published as an IECEx Facility Assessment Report (IECEx FAR) along with the IECEx Certified Service Facility Certificate (CoC) that the IECEx FAR supports.

The IECEx Service Facility Certificate of Conformity enables the Ex Equipment User to have confidence that robust systems are in place and monitored, within the Service Facility, to ensure that their Ex equipment will be serviced in conformance with the relevant IEC 60079 series Standards to the certification status as agreed with the Service Facility and that the equipment will be safe to return to service.

Benefits of IECEx Certified Service Facilities

  • Demonstrate compliance with international requirements on the capability and competency of your repair workshop or facility.
  • Ensure safety features of equipment are intact during the repair and maintenance process.
  • Obtain the IECEx Online certificate to provide full access to industry players to your certification status.

What is IECEx Service Facility Scheme?

Assessment and Certification of Service Facilities and Workshops under the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Program. Repair and overhaul of equipment can often be more cost-effective than replacing it with new equipment, but of course the challenge is to ensure that any repair work does not affect the integrity of the equipment from a product conformity viewpoint. IECEx has established a scheme that will offer the assessment and the on-site audit of organisations that provide a Repair and Overhaul Service to the Ex industry.

The scheme falls in line with the IECEx Service Facility Certification Scheme requirements (the manufacturer must comply with requirements of IECEx OD/003 and OD314-5 with effective utilisation of IECEx OD315-5 IEC 60079-19) and CSA Group is of the first certification bodies to have IECEx approval in place.

The IECEx Certified Service Facilities scheme applies to facilities for industries working with explosive atmospheres. Examples include oil and gas refineries, petrol stations, printing and paper industries, and chemical processing plants. These industries require special workshops for the service and repair of explosion-protected equipment.


The first step to being able to service and repair Ex equipment to IECEx standards is to be trained to repair the equipment using the latest BS EN and IEC 60079:19 Repair Standard for Explosive Atmospheres: Equipment repair, overhaul, and reclamation. This was originally developed from the AEMT BEAMA Code of Practice on Hazardous Area equipment repair. The standard has now been broadened to include the repair of all electrical equipment including some instrumentation, and mechanical equipment, which is included in the ATEX Directives.

There are a number of operational documents available from the IECEx Web site, however these will be much better understood once the manager/supervisors of the workshop have attended the training courses.

Other standards to be used in conjunction with the above include:

  • BS EN and IEC 60079 19 A1 +2015 Explosive Atmospheres: Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation.
  • ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System – Requirements.
  • ISO/IEC 80079 34: 2011: Explosive atmospheres: Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture.
  • Other IECEx documents available from the IECEx website IECEx 03-5, IECEx OD313-5, OD314-5, and OD315-5, OD316-5, all available from the IECEx website as above.

Once you are in a position for a preliminary audit, the audit and certification will be carried out by an approved Certification body coordinated by us.

Our Locations: Doha – Qatar, Muscat – Oman, Dubai, Abu Dhabi – UAE, Riyadh, Dammam – Saudi Arabia

The scheme addresses the fundamental issues of quality management system procedures, working environment, staff competence and controlled calibration of suitable test and measurement equipment.

Benefits of the IECEx Repair Facility Certification Scheme

The scheme will give OEMs a credible alternative to unaccredited repair and overhaul organisations and allows such organisations to become a recognised repairs body, setting them apart from unaccredited competitors.

An IECEx Certificate of Conformity for a service facility provider attest that the facility, within the scope described on the certificate, has been independently assessed and found to have appropriate equipment and competent staff, and to operate procedures that demonstrate that the repair, overhaul or modification work conducted complies with IECEx requirements, including IEC 60079-19. It also attests that a service facility has been audited to verify that it meets the IECEx Operational Document OD 314-5 requirements.

IECEx Operational Documents

OD 314-5 and other relevant IECEx Operational Documents are available for download from the IECEx website. They provide detailed information concerning the IECEx On-line Certificate of Conformity System for Service Facilities and the process for achieving certification.

Our Locations: Doha – Qatar, Muscat – Oman, Dubai, Abu Dhabi – UAE, Riyadh, Dammam – Saudi Arabia

For more support and if you’d like to discuss your ATEX and IECEx requirements in more details, contact us today. Our Experts are ready to guide you through our capabilities and highlight if there may be any barriers to certifying your ATEX / IECEx product.