IECEX Training & Certification

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Looking for IECEx Training & Certification support in Middle-East?

Our Locations: Doha – Qatar, Muscat – Oman, Dubai, Abu Dhabi – UAE, Riyadh, Dammam – Saudi Arabia

We conduct classes on Weekends / Evening Batches / Special Batches during longer Holidays in Middle-East


It is an internationally recognised scheme designed to assess a persons knowledge and skills for working in hazardous areas by way of written and practical assessment, with the outcome being an IECEx Certification of Personnel Competence for an individual.

The online certificate includes photo identification of the holder and the certificate can be viewed by anyone for verification on the IECEx website @

The aim of an IECEx Certificate of Personnel Competence is to provide employers and organisations with confidence that personnel working in or around explosive atmospheres, or that can affect the safety of hazardous areas, hold the required competence to carry out their role correctly and safely.  It is like a passport of sorts for hazardous area workers who may operate across multiple countries and jurisdictions.

IECEx CoPC is broken into Ex Units which cover various roles in industry for example; installation, maintenance, inspection, overhaul, design, classification, and auditing. Depending on the person’s job function.


Ex 000 – Basic knowledge and awareness

Ex 001 – Apply basic principles of protection in explosive atmospheres

Ex 002 – Perform classification of hazardous areas

Ex 003 – Install explosion-protected equipment and wiring systems

Ex 004 – Maintain equipment in explosive atmospheres

Ex 005 – Overhaul and repair of explosion-protected equipment

Ex 006 – Test electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres

Ex 007 – Perform visual & close inspection of electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres

Ex 008 – Perform detailed inspection of electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres

Ex 009 – Design electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres

Ex 010 – Perform audit inspection of electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres

Our IECEx Training & Assessment Facilities are well designed and constructed to provide a state of art infrastructure to our Candidates.

Benefits of IECEx for Explosive Atmospheres?

Provide cross-industry competencies needed for work associated with equipment of hazardous areas.

Demonstrates personnel competency and provides confidence on operational of equipment complying with IECEx requirements and IEC standards related to explosive atmospheres.

Provides a single system for the assessment and qualification of persons meeting the competency prerequisites needed to properly implement the safety requirements based on the suite of IEC Standards covering explosive atmospheres.

About IECEx Certification Of Personnel Competence For Explosive Atmospheres

IECEx Certification of Personnel Competence for Explosive Atmospheres is one of the schemes under the IECEx Certification System for the certification of personnel competence for person engaged in work and services related to explosive atmospheres. Industry within the explosive atmospheres with complexity of equipment requires skilled and knowledgeable personnel to perform proper hazardous area classification, design, installation, inspection maintenance and repair of explosion protected equipment.

A Certificate of Personnel Competence (CoPC) is issued when compliance with the scheme requirements has been achieved and the personnel is competent according to Units of Competence in the scope of the application.

Who can take up which all IECEx Units?


Unit Description

Role / Position

Unit 001

Foundation & Basics


Units 001, 003, 006

Foundation, Installation & Testing

Installation Technician

Units 001, 004

Foundation & Maintenance

Maintenance Technician

Units 001, 007 & 008

Foundation & Inspection

Inspection Engineer

Units 001, 003, 004

Foundation, Installation & Maintenance

Installation & Maintenance Technician

Units 001, 003, 004, 006

Foundation, Installation, Testing & Maintenance

Installation & Maintenance Supervisor / Engineer

Units 001, 003, 004, 006, 007 & 008

Foundation, Installation, Testing, Maintenance & Inspection

Installation & Maintenance Supervisor / Engineer and Inspection Engineers

Units 001, 009

Foundation & Design

Design Engineer

Units Ex 003 to Ex 008 require practical examinations on hardware, in addition to the written examinations that apply for all units. The practical examinations are currently held at our examination centers in the UAE, Qatar, Oman and Saudi (KSA). There is more flexibility in where the written examinations can take place.

We have structured multi-level Personnel Competency training courses for those who are required to perform duties such as selection and installation, inspection and maintenance of Ex equipment in potentially explosive areas.

Note – Training is not mandatory for appearing for the IECEx CoPC assessment and experienced candidates can directly take up the Assessment.

Our Locations: Doha – Qatar, Muscat – Oman, Dubai, Abu Dhabi – UAE, Riyadh, Dammam – Saudi Arabia

For more support and if you’d like to discuss your ATEX and IECEx requirements in more details, contact us today. Our Experts are ready to guide you through our capabilities and highlight if there may be any barriers to certifying your ATEX / IECEx product.